The Definitive Guide to Marketing Non-Gaming Apps


Great games sell themselves. Great marketing drives engagement in non-gaming apps.

Marketing a non-gaming app is a challenge unique to each app. While competition and saturation remain the biggest hurdles in gaming, non-gaming marketers are tasked with educating, scaling, and monetizing users.

This guide features interviews with nine expert mobile marketers in the dating, eCommerce, education, finance, business, and health app industries. Download now to learn how they've used all the tools at their disposal to rapidly grow their mobile business.

Inside the guide:

  • Interviews with nine expert mobile marketers
  • Strategies for selling subscription-based apps
  • Tips for driving repeat mobile eCommerce customers
  • What the experts have learned from their biggest mistakes in mobile
  • Future mobile marketing trends to watch


Download The Definitive Guide to Marketing Non-Gaming Apps